...nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. (Romans 14:14)
I continue to be fascinated by many implications that can be seen within this single verse and in conjunction with the surrounding context. What is this phrase implying, to him who thinks... it is unclean? And I find a similar kind of phrase in verse 20. All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the man who eats and gives offense. Is this telling me that religious uncleanness can be created in the imagination of each individual on earth? Is this another version of the references in the Old Testament where it says that every man did what was right in his own eyes?
I know it might seem easy to rush to conclusions to counter this and try to refute what seems to be explicitly stated here. But while I am not looking for quick and easy answers, this is baffling me to some extent. I don't want to take off on easy rabbit trails in either direction, whether liberal or authoritarian. But it is clear to me that Paul believed that whatever uncleanness means, it seems to have a lot to do with the condition of each person's beliefs and feelings. And not only that, but these beliefs and assumptions are not to be ignored or even offended unnecessarily by those who have different opinions about that particular thing or belief.
It would be easier to accept this easily if Paul would just have left it at the first part – that each person perceives religion in their own way and has their own fears and ignorant persuasions. But he had to go farther and insist that true Christians must be careful to protect the freedom of each person to cling to their misconceptions with a spirit of respect and even acceptance. This is acceptance for the person themselves, not endorsement of their narrow ideas about what causes their fears or discomfort.
This definitely runs against what comes naturally for me and for others that I know. It is so much easier to want to offer instructions and advice and corrections to challenge a person's “ignorant assumptions” so as to bring them more quickly into alignment with my own “more enlightened” beliefs. But in this chapter I am seeing that Paul is giving me a very different model to be careful to follow. Apparently it is not my job to set others straight about their misguided beliefs but it is my responsibility to accept them as my siblings in the family of God and protect their space and freedom even while they retain beliefs that may sharply differ from my own.
This is much more than an intellectual enlightenment for me. This is making me feel quite uncomfortable inside. Something inside of me is squirming around looking for an out from this instruction, looking for excuses to legitimize my tendency to want to correct others instead of embracing them with loving, respectful acceptance. But I strongly suspect that this part inside of me that is squirming is resisting true light and, like the termites that I uncovered yesterday while repairing a house infested with them, this false god is running for the cover of darkness to avoid exposure and detection.
But just like those termites that had secretly wreaked so much damage silently behind the facade of secure walls and glossy paint jobs, this false spirit inside of me has riddled me with paths and habits that run counter to the ways of God and weaken my character. I want the light of the spirit of God to invade my own heart, to expose my own corruption and to spray these false gods that cling so tenaciously to my mind with the poison of His grace and truth and love.
Satan's kingdom is founded upon deception, force, fear and independence. But these elements are like the work of termites that continually weaken the image of God within my soul, excavating and consuming all the goodness and grace and mercy and truth that is needed as proper building materials for a life after the order of God. But while I cannot repair myself or even expel the unwanted intruders that I inherited through many generations of sinful ancestors as well as my own bad choices and habits, I can call on my God and my Savior to continue to implement His plan of redemption within my own structure, my temple designed for His habitation.
This subject has been lurking in the back of my mind and has surfaced repeatedly over the past few days causing me to question many of my attitudes, reactions and assumptions about those around me. I feel very much unsettled about this and have to trust the Spirit of God to guide me into more accurate truth in this matter.
Now here is an enlightening thought that just came to me as I expressed that last statement. Just as other people have false beliefs about certain things but still need to be accepted without criticism or contempt, so I am finding myself even in this discovery as very vulnerable to misunderstanding and potential criticism and contempt by others who may find objectionable my emerging beliefs about what this chapter is saying to my heart. This chapter just as much applies to those around me as it does to me, though it is not my responsibility to impose it on their conscience. Just as these instructions are designed to protect the spirit of others from my contempt and criticism, so to it can also protect me from the same damaging effects from others.
The Need for Community and Joy
From my growing understanding of the true meaning of the word “joy”, I can see another aspect of this that is quite significant. In verse 17 the core description of the kingdom of God is spelled out as righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The neurological definition of the experience of joy for the brain is that sensation one gets when someone else is genuinely and intensely glad to be with them. Joy seems to be the preferred fuel for our lives that God designed us to run on and that causes us to thrive and grow in maturity. It has been observed that joy is the only thing that a young baby is motivated to seek on their own. They can be motivated to avoid other emotions, but the only thing that they will be motivated to seek on their own initiative is to find someone who will be glad to be with them and increase their sense of joy.
Scientists have learned recently that joy is the primary factor in the development and growth of one of the most important parts of the human brain, the right orbital pre-frontal cortex. Apparently this part of the brain is nearly non-existent at birth but within the span of a relatively short time can grow to become up to 35% of the adult brain. What is very fascinating is that the primary exercise or input for fueling growth of this part of the brain is shared experiences of joy with significant people in their life, at first primarily the mother figure.
This is one of the most important parts of the brain for preparing a person to interact with others on a deeply bonded level through love and shared joy. What is also very important is that this “joy center” in the brain is simultaneously the very same equipment needed to handle trauma throughout one's lifetime. If this part of the brain is not properly developed early in life, it leaves a person very vulnerable to being overwhelmed by stressful traumas that can leave them emotionally incapacitated in many respects until they have opportunity to increase this part of the brain later in life. Once they have had opportunity to increase their capacity for joy they can then have the capacity to go back and reprocess previously experienced traumas and successfully resolve them.
So should it come as any surprise that part of the main description of the kingdom of God includes the word joy? Joy is not just feeling happy and pleasurable. In fact, given this advanced definition of the real meaning of joy, it can sometimes feel quite different than those words might typically convey. I know this very acutely from person experience. But I can also vouch that true joy – someone willing and even happy to be close to me, to accept me unconditionally and who genuinely cares about me even in the midst of a most painful experience – is a most powerful stabilizing force and a source of bonding that has amazing capacity for healing and growth.
This is all starting to make more sense for me now in this context. What Paul seems to be saying to me here is that just as I need unconditional acceptance that can produce joy in my heart to help me endure trauma and trials, so too everyone around me needs someone to be genuinely glad to be with them in whatever they are experiencing without the element of judgment, condemnation, contempt or criticism in the areas in which my beliefs differ from theirs. I am being asked by God to be a potential source of joy in the Holy Spirit for others who are lacking in joy strength themselves.
If I want to really further the kingdom of God on this earth, it will not involve trying to coerce other people to adopt my set of doctrines or force others to attend my church or worship God in the style that I prefer. It will not be advanced wonderfully by massive preaching campaigns or getting many people to repeat some formula in words that supposedly cause them to be “saved”. According to this passage, the kingdom will be advanced when I begin to practice genuine acceptance of others with an open heart even while we may have different ideas about what is clean or unclean for our own souls.
Uncleanness has much more to do with the condition of the spirit of a person than with some contamination from incorrect beliefs or doctrines or external activities. And evidently, something that has a worse effect on the spirit than having faulty notions about what is clean or unclean is to be viewed with contempt by others claiming to by my brothers and sisters in Christ. That is the very opposite of joy and therefore should have no place in the fellowship of believers called the kingdom of God.
Father, my temple structure is far more compromised by the termites of deception and pride and selfishness than I can even imagine. The more facade You peel away the more damage is revealed and I observe the supernatural termites scurrying for cover. When I experience this I start to feel anxious and think that You should too. I expect You to rush in to condemn me for the false ideas that are uncovered and to insist that I correct them immediately. I am surprised rather often at the seemingly slow pace and the lack of excitement on Your part whenever my faults are exposed. But just like the exterminator yesterday had a patient, calm demeanor while he carefully resprayed the area for termites, You too always have a patient assurance that Your grace and truth will have their intended effects in my life in the long run.
Father, I am slowly learning to trust in Your ways, Your timing and Your methodical, meticulous and thorough work in my salvation. I'm sure glad You are in charge of this or it would simply never be possible in the slightest. Father, mentor me and teach me to treat others with the same, calm acceptance and respect that You continue to show me. Please cleanse me of all false notions and habits and assumptions about how I should treat others who believe differently than me and have unfounded fears that hamper their joy and freedom. Please help me to see them from Your perspective, to have Your sympathy, Your patience, Your compassion and to be willing to bring real joy to their hearts by my willingness to accept them just where they are without trying to change them myself. And I would certainly like it if You would send some people into my life that would be willing to do the same for me. Just a thought....
Keep reminding me that they are Your children, not mine and they are Your responsibility. You will show them the freedom You have for them when they are mature enough to be ready to receive and believe it. Please keep me from trying to force their flower petals open before they are ready. Remind me to rest in Your timing and Your work for them as well as for me. You are so gracious and patient and consistent with Your faithfulness and love. I trust You and rest in You and praise You for Your infinite power and grace.