If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. (1 Timothy 6:3-6)
These verses really bring up a lot of emotional memories for me. Not that this specific passage was used necessarily to support a specific theory, but that the sentiments revealed in these verses are so descriptive of much of what happened around me for so many years. They also remind me of the very strong reaction that people like those described here typically have if they are confronted with a passage like this.
I can remember many times when the term “strange doctrine” was used as a quick label slapped on any idea that was different from what we already considered as settled truth. Never mind that it might not fit too well with the clear teachings of Jesus about love, compassion, or other heart-oriented issues that we never understood very well; if something sounded different from what we had always assumed or made us feel uncomfortable then it was quickly labeled as strange and dangerous doctrine that needed to be avoided and not even considered. The only way that discussion was allowed about such topics was in the context of coming up with strong statements in opposition to such heretical notions.
Unfortunately, I realize now that many fundamental truths of the gospel ended up in this box labeled “strange doctrines”. Thus it became very difficult at best for me to make sense out of many religious terms and concepts. I could easily make a quick list of such things that tended to seem mystical for most of my life simply because they were off-limits for serious consideration with an open mind and heart. Included in this list would be things like grace, joy, unconditional love, the gospel as really good news, a Christian experience based primarily on a personal relationship with God. All of these things were either viewed at best with a sense of strong suspicion or sometimes openly labeled as heresies that were trying to infiltrate and dilute the “truth once delivered to the saints”, attempts to undermine the foundations of truth.
I have grown much over the past few years in my spiritual perceptions. I have been convicted by God to let go of more and more of the lies that the enemy planted into my heart through the misunderstandings of my forefathers, ideas that crippled their own abilities to understand the truth about the gospel and inhibited their capacities to grow deeper in a true knowledge of the truth. I have let go of many of my fears about open mindedness while still maintaining caution about ignoring warnings from a more educated conscience. I still want to stay within the safety of obedience to convictions from the Spirit of God, but I am learning that the condition of our spirit is of far more importance than the accuracy of our facts and doctrines as good as that may be.
As I have touched on at other times, it is extremely easy for nearly anyone to label ideas that are different from theirs as strange doctrines. To even begin to fairly understand a text such as this takes a desire for true discernment and even more, a willingness to be synchronized with the true spirit of Jesus. If a person has a seriously damaged or distorted concept of God – and all of us are damaged in this arena to some extent or another, to the extent of that damage will be our vulnerability to misuse and misapply the words of this passage. It is always far easier to apply these warnings to other people who disagree with our viewpoints and opinions than it is to honestly ask God to show us our own blind spots and humble ourselves in the light of the example of Jesus.
I find myself very frustrated as to how to even relate to the spirit of people described here. I say that because I was carefully trained for so long to be one of them myself and thus I am all too aware of how thoroughly deluded such a person can become. But I also observed the long-term deleterious effects of such entrenched thinking and stubbornness in the lives of people very close to me. Again, I am coming to realize that the only way to properly receive this passage is to keep it in the context of guarding the condition of my spirit even more than trying to come up with a formula for proving that I'm right and those who disagree with me are wrong.
As I looked this over yet again this morning after thinking about it yesterday off and on, it became even more clear to me that this is exactly what Paul is trying to get across here. He starts off by describing people who are promoting doctrines and ideas that are “different”, but ends up describing the end fruit of harboring a spirit of bitterness and stubbornness. Different is simply a word to describe anything that is not what we already believe or assume. If everything that is different is wrong, then it will be completely impossible for anyone to arrive at truth – everyone cannot be correct, but truth is not discovered by coming up with the most potent arguments or the most forceful coercion.
I am coming to believe that real truth is not based on facts nearly as much as it is rooted in the sense of what a person is like – and that person is best seen in the one perfect example, Jesus our Savior. Paul did not have to explain all of this right here and was able to assume that he would be understood because of his close relationship and long history of sharing the real spirit of truth with Timothy, the one this letter was addressed to. Whenever we talk to people we always have to operate on a certain level of making assumptions about shared concepts or else communication becomes impossible to start with. On the other hand, the closer the shared views are between people the more freely they can say things without fear of being misunderstood or needing to elaborately explain what they are trying to express.
However, that same ease and clearness of speech based on shared experience and assumptions becomes the very point of greatest vulnerability when others not sharing in those same assumed perceptions come to read those same words. Thus “different” for Paul and Timothy will be something radically opposite of what different would mean to the people that he is describing here. So just to assume that anything different than our particular entrenched beliefs will be wrong is a very dangerous assumption at best. The same warning has to be applied to many other words and phrases in this passage as well and for the same reasons.
As I look over these verses I see a number of key words and phrases that are turning points that need to be examined in the light of Paul's shared assumptions with those he believes will understand what he is really trying to get across here. Let me take a stab at making a quick list.
Different doctrine
Sound words
Conforming to godliness
Controversial questions
Disputes about words
The truth
One's definitions for each of these items is going to be seriously slanted based on their own preconceived ideas and assumptions about what is important and what should be emphasized. But it is not necessary to throw up our hands and give up trying to understand what Paul really intended to convey or what he had in mind in reference to the warnings given here. There is also nothing wrong with spending some time exploring history a little bit to find the context of the culture that he was living in or was addressing where Timothy was living. While we have to be careful of teachers using such information to insinuate their own biases on others, it can be very enlightening to discover that Paul may not have been referring at all to the hot-button issues that we might want to bring into the discussion and enforce with such passages as this.
What I do feel is even more important to note, even much more critical than knowing what issues he may have had in mind with Timothy, is what shows up in the later part of these verses. Notice the increasing emphasis that Paul makes in pointing out the results of the activities of such kind of people in the church. Again, I am coming to realize that God is far more concerned with the condition of our spirit and how that affects our relationship to His body than whether or not we are perfectly aligned on every point of doctrine. I am not knocking sound doctrine at all, but I believe strongly that there will be millions in the kingdom of heaven who are very mixed up about all sorts of facts but who have responded in their spirit to the drawing of God's Spirit on their heart. And what is described in these verse is definitely not the fruit of God's Spirit.
Note the various attitude references, descriptors of the results of the spirit of people that Paul is warning Timothy to watch out against, as well as the progressive nature of these descriptions.
Does not agree (with the words of Jesus)
Does not agree (with doctrine conforming to godliness)
Understands nothing
Morbid interest in controversy...
Abusive language
Evil suspicions
Constant friction
Depraved mind
Deprived of the truth
Suppose that godliness is a means of gain (crass greed)
I have to admit that not only have I seen all of these fruits in the lives of people such as are described here, but I am also guilty at times of probably producing some of these terrible fruits myself. Much could be said about each item on this list, but I question how edifying that would really be when the real issue lies in the condition of my spirit more than in trying to avoid these various symptoms.
Jesus, I ask you to live in my heart, to transform my spirit to be reflective of that which You demonstrated while here on earth. I give you complete permission to reveal the infections, roots of bitterness that still remain in my heart that can produce these terrible symptoms of disharmony among Your children. You know the history I have of generational critical attitudes that has spoiled so many lives in my clan. I ask for Your freedom from this divisive spirit and to be filled with the glory of Your humble, joyful spirit of grace. Place in me the spirit of free and willing service as described in the first two verses of this chapter. Reveal in my life what true godliness really looks like, the kind of godliness that reflects the real truth about You and that is a means of great gain as You said in verse six.
Father, I praise You and thank You for Your word to me this day. Remind me of Your thoughts, Your feelings toward me, Your passionate love for me all through this day and each day to come. Draw me deeper into intimacy with Your perfect heart of unrelenting love for everyone that has been created by You. Cause me to share in Your passion to draw hearts into a saving truth of how You really feel about them. Use me in any way possible to attract everyone possible to fall in love with You and to let go of their misconceptions about how You feel about them. I trust You and give myself to You for this purpose today.