I am currently delving into a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the cross of Christ, how it relates to salvation and how it reveals God's heart.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Flying Higher

I just finished reading today's devotional reading from a wonderful book called The Gospel From Patmos by John Paulien. It talked about a pilot's experience years ago looking at the top-secret SR-71 up close for the first time and being very disappointed in how badly it leaked and limped while sitting in the hangar. What he found out from the ground crew preparing it to fly was that though it looked very shabby and even disfunctional compared to other planes while sitting on the ground, it was designed in such a way that when it arrived at extremely high altitudes and very high temperatures from extreme speeds that it would function perfectly. The leaks would all stop, the skin would literally grow and tighten up and it would actually become much stronger under those extreme conditions.

What really got my attention was the last paragraph of John's comments.

“God doesn't permit His people to go through trials in order to find out what they are made of. He already knows. But one reason He allows trials is so that we can discover what He has been remaking us to be. As we learn to stay close to God in trial He redesigns us so we can fly higher and faster than we could possible have imagined. If our lives were easier we might never discover the rich fulfillment that comes from soaring at God's altitude.” (p. 53)

I then laid down the book and picked up my Bible to see what God had for me in Hebrews 12. As I opened it the first thing my eyes fell on was, For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness. (Hebrews 12:10) I have been looking at this for many days now but suddenly it took on new life.

The whole purpose of God's work in my life is to prepare me to soar in ecstasy at levels of intensity that I cannot now imagine. Living in the presence of God is an overwhelmingly satisfying and exhilarating experience that I have not even tasted yet and can only imagine in the slightest, but it is the ultimate desire and plan of God for my heart. Everything that He allows in my experience is to prepare and shape me to be able to fully participate in this reality with total abandon, freedom and joy. Every pain and tension and problem is God's work to remove the beliefs and false ideas that would cause fatal flaws in my psyche when exposed to the extremes of His high altitude, intense love and presence.

No wonder James declares that we should welcome trials with joy. Jesus told us the same thing. And it does make it easier to do so when I have a better grasp of the bigger picture, the amazing future that God wants me to be an intimate part of in His kingdom.

God, please tune my heart today to be more synchronized with Your heart. Teach me Your ways and let Your will be the story of my life and not my will. Prepare me for the intensity of the joy You are bringing into my life very soon and strip away all the leeches and barnacles and messed up thinking that will endanger my safety when I reach higher speeds. Glorify Your name in my life and through my heart and in my words, attitudes and actions.

(next in series)

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